Cameras attached to mobile phones are becoming more and more common; almost a standard feature of mobile phones. Cases identified of misuse of this facility are on the rise as well. The more convenient and technology superior they are in image quality; the more convenient and technology superior they are in image quality; the more appropriate they are to use in some of the unacceptable ways. Camera phones are designed to provide a means of transferring images via your mobile phone to compliment voice or text based communication for business or personal reasons. The network Operator cannot legally as well as logistically monitor all sent images to ensure ' appropriate content' ; exactly the same way voice and text calls cannot be monitored. However, directing the youth to make their own decision on what is appropriate to distribute via MMS is necessary. Contrary to this, benefits of a camera phone were demonstrated recently in Italy where the world's first arrest was made as a result of a MMS sent to the police. The picture helped the police identify the culprits also wanted for other petty crimes and charged for six months in jail.
Tips to encourage responsible MMS use include:
Tips to encourage responsible MMS use include:
- Respect privacy of others; the same applies if you were using a regular or digital camera
- Remember to ask first; if you are taking a picture of someone and intend to MMS it
- Respect the sort of image you take of someone; do not force or ignore their right to say 'NO'. If you plan to send it on the MMS to someone else, check if it is right with them.
- Passing on objectionable material only reduces a person's self-respect, and the respect he/she can get from others.
- Becoming part of a forward that is ridiculing another, means that you are also an abuser.
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